Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring has Srpung !

It was a beautiful morning for a run. I think spring is finally settling in to Halifax. Although we did have snow and freezing this week. It was a great morning for a run. My running run group did 12Km today and it was basically the Bluenose 10K route with the Macdonald Bridge ! Sigh ! I survived it was long slow steady run. Thanks to my running buddies and chatters Nancy and Sarah for keeping me going. I am still getting stronger and when I feel like stopping and walk the momentum of the group kept me going. Looking forward to the rest of the experience of training for the half.

Spring and the lightness in the air really helps with the transition from Lent to Easter. I have been really challenged this Lent to reflect and meditate on the ares of my life that I can change and have faith and courage to truly allow God's grace to heal and strengthen me. I have been trying to not let my negativity about the length of our wait and the politics and policies of community service get me down. I know there are wonderful people doing the best they can with the resources they have to ensure the safety and welfare of the kids in care. However to be honest it makes me crazy that " parents" are given so many chances to in the end have kids in care who have suffered under sometimes horrific living situations or having to be " caretakers to other siblings or their parents. Why aren't these kids placed in care sooner ? There I said it! So this Lent I have been praying for forgiveness for these "parents" and compassion and to not focus on "me" and to pray for all the kids in care and their current caretakers.

I mean really many folks have so much larger burdens that I sometimes feel silly even thinking about it. I have so many blessings in my life and so much to be grateful for and realize it is by God's grace that I have these blessings in my life.

Today's' gospel was John 3:16

New International Version (NIV)
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

This verse has received a lot of media attention lately with Tim Tebow but I think that is a good thing. It is a powerful message.

Looking forward to nice spring week with lots of running. ( after I recover from today's run

Number of runs this week: 2
Longest run this week: 12KM (the build is on)



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