Friday, January 8, 2010

Prayer for Adotptive Parents

Week one of 2010 almost complete. It has been a year since we began our journey. Today we recieved word that our file will be reiviewed the end of January. I am trying to practice patience and graditude this year. I came across a beautiful prayer on another site. This prayer really speaks to my heart.

The “Prayer of Abandonment” for Adoptive Parents

Father, we abandon ourselves into your hands,
to send a child … or not … as you see fit.
You by whom the Word was made flesh,
send us a miracle, if this is what you desire.
Or lead us to her, if that be your will.
We do not ask for guarantees; no parent can.
Only light enough for the very next step.
We do not ask for a perfect child,
nor can we promise to be perfect parents.
Whatever you choose for us, whatever you desire
we abandon ourselves to your perfect will.
We are ready to offer our daily “yes,”
until that perfect will be revealed in us.
And until, at last perfected, we bear witness
to the work of redemption you began in Eden.
We love you, Lord, and offer ourselves to you,
wholly and without reservation.
We surrender ourselves, moment by moment,
knowing that this is only the first small step
Of a lifetime of surrender,
so that we may be made more perfect in love.
That we might imitate, on earth as in heaven,
the redemptive love
the adoptive love
the selfless love
with which you first loved us.

From Extradordinary Mom's Network
Heidi Hass Saxton