Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anntie once again

Tuesday April 21 my sister Valerie had a healthy baby girl, Anna Mae Pilling . I am so thrilled for Valerie and Jody and their family. Anna is welcomed by Miss Isabelle ( 6) Lachlan(3) and Rory (2). Isabelle is very happy that mommy can make girls ! I truly believe every child is a miracle and very special. Anna is already muched loved by a large exteded family that has yet to even meet her. I hear she may even look like Valerie. Valerie is such an inspiration to me as a mother. She was born to be a mother , I remember when Andy and Steve were babies Valerie at 61/2 was much more a little mother than I was at 9. I very muched liked being the oldest and the " boss"of my other siblings. I am so proud of my baby sister.
I am so glad that I am in a place that I can truly share in the excitement of new babies. Now that we have moved on to adoption it does make me look forward to sharing our news with family when we are going forward with a match for us. I look forward to our potential children having fun with their cousins.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today I spent the afternoon cleaning up the back yard. It was a sunny almost warm day and spring was in the air. The tulips and and the leaves are just starting to bud. I am waiting for news of Valeries new baby and Christine and Troy have welcomed Charlotte to their family. Last week I spent time with the Pilling kiddies and it was certainly intersting. Boy oh boy are Blaise and I in for a shock. The kids are great and full of energy. I love watching them play so joyful and carefree. Rory at 2 is very expressive and his vocabualry is huge. I asked 3 year old Lachlan what do Blaise and I need to know to be good parents. Hmm well " You just have to play with them " Then I asked so what should parents do when children don't behave like parents would like. " Well , don't yell at them just talk to them " From the mouth of babes. This made me cry it was so simple to a 3 year old us adults make things soo complicated. I have a stack of books on adoption and parenting by my bed! LOL

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blaise and I want to share our journey to build our family. I am new to blogging but thought it would be a good way to share information of our adoption journey with friends and family. Some of you are aware that we have been dealing with infertily for the past few years. It was a difficulty journey but we recieved many blessings and strenghend our marriage. Things happen for a reason and we came to realize that God was leading us towards adoption. In October I contacted Community Services to start the process. We attended an information sesssion in January and started our PRIDE classes Jan. 20. 2009. These classes are 9 weeks and they cover an overview of topics on adoption and parenting. We completed the classes March 24 and are waiting for the next step of the homestudy. We are looking forward to the next steps of this journey.

We choose Community Service route for adoption as we learned there were children in NS that are waiting in the foster care system for families. We are open to 0 - 5yr and sibling group of 2. Often siblings are separated and coming from big families if we can keep siblings together we will. So we ask you to keep us in your prayers as we wait for the next steps and for our future family members.

Karen and Blaise