Sunday, November 28, 2010

Curry Family Reunion

Another fun weekend in Antigonish for the Curry family reunion. I think this year was the 31st year of the family gathering together at the end of November to celebrate family... it all started to celebrate Nana (Mary) Curry's birthday.

What a wonderful legacy and tradition. Still about 50 family and extended family and family friends come together to sing, laugh and just hang out. I am so blessed to be part of this special family. Last night watching the " Senoir Choir" sing their 4 part harmony of the old songs from the 20's and 30's I was very touched because I know that some of these folks are getting older and to not take them for granted.

Blaise's dad Joe should have been on Broadway ! He is so expressive and loves to entertain, he's a natural at the mike! His favorites are "Maime Riley" and "Seven old Ladies". The "younger choir" gets going with the guitars and all sorts of music late in the eveing (past 1AM) Good times and a wonderful tradition.

This year we also celebrated a wedding for Blaise's cousin Lisa. Mark certainly received a great welcome to the familiy.

As well this weekend being the first weekend of Advent is also a time of reflection for me. A time of "waiting". Well Blaise and I are getting to be experts at waiting. Adoption process is all about waiting and waiting and trusting that when it is meant to be the right child or children will come into our lives. I just feel so tired this week and realize that I have filled my life with so much "stuff" and activities that I have still not created "space" for children in my life. Am I keeping busy to avoid really "going there" to avoid my feelings and avoid being sad and spending time with my hurt about not being able to have a children ! Oh dear where did that one come from.

We try to live in the present and enjoy each day but are both very very busy with work , Blaise with refereeing and me with running, yoga, commitees and school work. Piperdog does keep us both in the present and I am very thankful for his joyful presence in our home.

I guess this time of year and this family celebrating brings things closer to the surface and it is OK to be "a little bit sad" however the spirit of Christmas always makes me feel like a kid anyway and I like to focus on my blessings and be hopefull for the future.

Little one (or big one), wherever you are, we are waiting and I know the big Curry family will be very happy to welcome you to the family. That will be a very joyous day for sure.

Que sera sera


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen and Merry Christmas to you and Blaise! Interesting point about leaving room in your life to "go there" with your feelings. You may be right, but it's all part of the process, and you'll get there, I know it! In the mean time, I thought you might enjoy this article I read today:
