Happy New Year! I have always loved the energy and spirit of New Years Eve. I try to take some time to reflect on the good and bad of the past year and make some intentinos for the coming year. This year I have found myself reading some beautiful blogs from amazing women writers. I have been searching for some inspiration to guide me on my journey to being an adoptive mom. I guess I am trying to find a balance between the traditions and rituals of parenting that I have experience from my mother, the natural kind loving way my sisters interact with their children and lean about new ways of pareneting that speak to my heart.
The blogs I have visited are honest expressions of living a spirit filled, compasionate, peaceful family life. I am grateful for having an open heart to guide me in my journey to motherhood. I am grateful for my friends and family for leading the way. Thank you to the kindred spirits of the blogging world that have spoke to my heart.
The begining of the year is a time for new beginnings and I am excited for the blessings that 2010 may bring to Blaise and I this year.
My theme for 2010:
Create and Celebrate everday miracles
May you be blessed
May you be happy
May you be at peace
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas and Waiting
Christmas and Advent are really seasons on waiting. I have had a few very special blessings during Advent. It has been such a busy fall and things seem to be moving so fast and easy to get caught up in work, studies and neglect what is important. Blaise and I do enjoy going to Sunday Mass but sometimes we miss a few weeks. I really wanted to get back to church during Advent. Last week I again realized that Advent is about waiting and preparing our hearts for God's gifts. The sweet little priest did a wonderful homily and talked about waiting and how God wants us to come to him an trust in his promises. HMM OK God you are shouting at me again! I was moved to joyful tears as I realized I have no control in this adoption process and that if I prepare and wait patiently God will unfold his plan for our family.It was such a weight off my shoulders. After the homestudy was completed I was glad to have this part of the process completed but a little anxious about the next steps and wondering " how will we be able to know from a file if this is the child for us ". I realized that we have to have faith and let God work in our lives. So waiting and preparing for Christmas this year is extra special as I compare it to waiting and preparing our hearts to be parents.
Blessings of the Season
Blessings of the Season
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Adoption Music
Last week while doing a search for adoption music, I found this song from Steve Curtis Chapman, " When love takes you in ". He is a Christian song writer and an advovcate for adotpion and has adopted children. Last summer his family tragicaly lost there 4 yr old daugher in a car accident on their property. This song was written before that event as a love song to their adoptive children. Very powerful and of course makes me cry. Thought I would share .
Santa Shuffle Dec. 5, 2009
HO Ho Ho ! I did it ! I did it! I really ran 5km. Ok so it was a fun run but I did do my 10 min running with 1 min walking and survived ! Blaise and Piper were my cheerleaders. Piper recieved lots of attention. I was so happy to have met my goal. Great start and I am not planning on doing the 5km clinic at Running Room and see how that goes. I am so proud of myself for finally doing it ! Yeah!
Almost 3 weeks till Christmas. I spent the day in my jammies cleaning the house and getting the Christmas decorations out. I love Chrismas music, I get so emotional this time of year. I believe the " think veil " between heaven and earth this time of year is very thin. I swear I could cry at the drop of a hat ! I would like to think it is my sensitive little sould being moved by the spirit. Sister Jovita explained that the gift of tears is a blessing. I like to think of it like that ! Gotto go I just heard Bruch Gouthro, " Boy from the Woods" starting on the CD gotta go have a good cry to that one !
Blessings of the Season
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Race is on !
We started our home study today. It does feel great to move to the next step of our journey. Ok well not really a race but still have to be prepared and ready. Tonight I ran 8 mins ! I felt great and really energized. I am so amazed that I am actually doing it. I have always been a " runner want to be " but did not commit. Starting the running run was a great step forward for me. I am going to keep with it and set more goals. So as I run and prepare for a race I am also preparing for the next step in our lives. They both feel exhilarating !
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our journey
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our journey
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Moving Forward
I am happy to report that we are finally moving forward with the next step in our adoption journey. We are starting our homestudy visits on Monday. It is so weird to be waiting for this next step and now it makes things so much more real. I am not worried because I know Blaise and I can talk ! No question there, but it is going to be a very reflective time. Friends ask me if I am excited. You know I am but I don't think I can really be excited until we are actually have a child or children that will be ours. So here we go another step on the merry go round.
On another note I am really enjoying running. Well OK I am almost running , I am up to 6 minutes and walk 1 min and I have not died. It is very interesing for me and really meditative for me. I want to be a fit mommy ! Blaise says he wants a hot mommy but I will settle for fit !
In October we spent time with the Pillings. It was great to have some time to spend with Valeries kids. They are so amazing and well rounded.Busy Busy oh boy are we in for a shock. I was exhausted after 4 days with them. Oh well we will adjust I am sure. I can't wait to introduce our future kiddies to the cousins. I posted a picure of uncle Blaise with the kids. I love this picture as Blaise looks so happy to be surrounded by the kids, he has a really sparkle and lots of love in his eyes. He is going to be a great daddy.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Divine Dog
Today I recieved the most beautiful video and song about dogs. Of course I cried.Piper dog has certainly taught me many lessons. He is very intuitive to my emotions. During my struggles with inferitliy he was there to let me cry and and let me hug him and lick my tears away. He has taught me to try to live in the moment and walking meditations in the woods or park with him have been special blessings in my life. It makes me happy thinking of how Piper dog will assit our adopted children settle into our home.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I finally did it, I finally signed up for learn to run clinic and I did not die. I have always wanted to run but did not make it a priority. So here I go,!
No news yet on adoption but I am OK with that and learning to be patient. However first thing I do when I get home is check the anwering machine.
No news yet on adoption but I am OK with that and learning to be patient. However first thing I do when I get home is check the anwering machine.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I have just had the most amazing two weeks. It is really nice to finally feel like I getting rebalnced and back to " me ". The week after Labor Day I was in Banff for a week of work and meetings. It was amazing, weather was warm and clear and the view of the mountains from my room and conference room was do die for.
The meeting was for an Aborigianl Health project that I am working on. We started our day with a prayer and welcome from an elder and a sharing circle. Very powerful to include the spiritual component to the meeting. I was overcome some days with pure joy and knowing that I was meant to be in that place. Things happen for a reason and the energy of the mountains and land was very much present for our discusions.
On Saturday I hiked Sulphur Mountain with Andy, Amanda and her family. It was 2,5 hrs and Sheely and I held up the back. What a feeling to make it to the top , Ok I am pitifully out of shape. Definiely another mountain top experiece for sure.
When I came home I decided to go back to yoga classes. My first night back I almost crided I felt at home on my mat. Ahh Breathe ! The energy and movement of energy in yoga is what I love and that yummy feeling at the end of a class. The mind, body, spirit connection as well is what I enjoy from yoga. I need this help keep me balanced and remember my mountain top experiences and take them with my in my work and day.
I need to be balanced and free to allow my heart to be opened to the gift of children . Especially if they are broken and need special healing. So far menopause and I have reached an agreement, I accept you are present but I am not letting you control my life ! Again balance !
I started reading " The power of Now " Eckhart Tolle , I picked it up in the Calgary airport. It is such a Karen book. Too bad we have to read so many books with similar messages to really get it. I accept infertility and menopause but there i still is that draw to 'poor me" boy oh boy the mind likes to try to suck us down into our pitiful selves ! Really great read and one that needs to be returned to again and again ! Unforutnately as if we GOT IT how different life would be.
I am happy to say that Zachary Daniel King was welcomed into the world 2 weeks early Sept. 12, 2009. He is precious and I have a great story for himn as I learned of his birht on Andy and Pauls' football pool !
Sunday, September 6, 2009
September Start of a new year
I love September it still feels like the start of the year for me. I think I enjoy it more than New Years. The weather starts to cool off and new beginnings of school and projects and work gets into high gear again. September makes me nostaligic for boing back to school and the fun of the first week back at classes at St.FX. Oh my nerves those were the crazy days. So much fun.
Today in church there was not one but two Christenings. OK lord you really do know how to try my strengh and resolve. I am soo much better than I was a year ago at handling these surprses and not almost passout from trying to hold in my tears. I am OK to let one or 2 slip away and I really do feel the spirt moving in me. Today was was daydreaming about when we will be Christening our adopted children. So I am very hopeful and know it is going to happen and trying to visualize and be calm but I want it right now.
I have enjoyed looking at my friends summer pictures and first day of school pictures and looking forward to that for our family. However it does remind me of when I was single and " all" my friends were married and I felt left out of the the club. I felt then like I do know that something wonderful and amazing is in store for me and that God will answer my prayers in a way that I could not even imagine.
So even with my moments of frustration I am hopeful and patiently waiting.
I am also patiently waiting for baby King to arrive the end of September and baby Stiles. I am so happy for Leah and Sylvia and can't wait to welcome their bundle of joy to the world. It is very humbling to watch my friends go through the journey of motherhood.
Que sera sera !
Today in church there was not one but two Christenings. OK lord you really do know how to try my strengh and resolve. I am soo much better than I was a year ago at handling these surprses and not almost passout from trying to hold in my tears. I am OK to let one or 2 slip away and I really do feel the spirt moving in me. Today was was daydreaming about when we will be Christening our adopted children. So I am very hopeful and know it is going to happen and trying to visualize and be calm but I want it right now.
I have enjoyed looking at my friends summer pictures and first day of school pictures and looking forward to that for our family. However it does remind me of when I was single and " all" my friends were married and I felt left out of the the club. I felt then like I do know that something wonderful and amazing is in store for me and that God will answer my prayers in a way that I could not even imagine.
So even with my moments of frustration I am hopeful and patiently waiting.
I am also patiently waiting for baby King to arrive the end of September and baby Stiles. I am so happy for Leah and Sylvia and can't wait to welcome their bundle of joy to the world. It is very humbling to watch my friends go through the journey of motherhood.
Que sera sera !
Monday, August 24, 2009
Community Services Contact
Phone call today from Community Services. Our file is in order and has everything required. Next step to wait for contact from social worker to do homestudy. No time frame can be given but I am glad to know that at least we have been looked at and in the pile to get going ! So more waiting. So know I hope we have homestudy before Christmas time. Am I setting myself up by setting sometimeline. Who knows but for me it works. Too bad I was secretly hoping we may have a child in our home for Christmas. Perhaps I have to adjust my expectations ! So more waiting.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hot weather and Hormones
OK I am so unfocused . I just wrote a blog on the "O'donnel family blog" So my family will know how crazy I am. LOL The Hot weather is wonderful such a treat. However this has coincided with my hormones going all wacky. I really truly thought that I would be OK and not have any of the menopause symptoms. ( surgically induced)
I am working with my Naturpath to balance me and waiting for saliva test to give hormone levels. I don't like not feeling like myself and being so irritable and not able to sleep. It is like puberty but so much more intense. I also am feeling a bit cheated and realize I almost have to go through grief process. Geez I just finished that with Infertiliy. I have read that women who go through infertiliy often are reminded of the stuggle and losses of infertility when going through memopause. So I find myself reminded again thinking again how unfair that my biology has let me down and I have no control what so ever.
It sucks quite frankly and I am mad ! I guess I have to go throught the stages of grief all over again. I mean not like everyday I am thinking about it but in my experience trying to push ugly feelings down only makes them crop up at weird times.
So I am going to do all I can to be balanced and enjoy life and deal with all these intense emotions and feelings. OH me nerves bye ! I still believe things happen for a reason so I am not suprised that we have not moved forward in adoption as I have to work through this crazy period of my life first. On the other hand I just want to hurry up and be a Mom.
Que sera sera !
Menopausal Momma
I am working with my Naturpath to balance me and waiting for saliva test to give hormone levels. I don't like not feeling like myself and being so irritable and not able to sleep. It is like puberty but so much more intense. I also am feeling a bit cheated and realize I almost have to go through grief process. Geez I just finished that with Infertiliy. I have read that women who go through infertiliy often are reminded of the stuggle and losses of infertility when going through memopause. So I find myself reminded again thinking again how unfair that my biology has let me down and I have no control what so ever.
It sucks quite frankly and I am mad ! I guess I have to go throught the stages of grief all over again. I mean not like everyday I am thinking about it but in my experience trying to push ugly feelings down only makes them crop up at weird times.
So I am going to do all I can to be balanced and enjoy life and deal with all these intense emotions and feelings. OH me nerves bye ! I still believe things happen for a reason so I am not suprised that we have not moved forward in adoption as I have to work through this crazy period of my life first. On the other hand I just want to hurry up and be a Mom.
Que sera sera !
Menopausal Momma
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thanks Heahter for sharing this piece on facebook this morning. I was totally blown away by this song. It actually rocked me to my core. What an ispirational message. All we have is NOW. The lyrics and melody are haunting. Wonderful message for those going through any difficult time in their life. I espcecially think it is fitting for anyone going through inferiltiy . Now, that we have moved on to adoption there still is some fear and doubt and worries about our future choices. Both inferitliy and adoption one an get so focused on the " what if''s " and hoping for something to happen in the future. This song this morning really reminded me of what helped me to move on and get " out" of my struggle with infertiliy.
During Lent 2008 I was sitting throught the church Mission and at the time I thought I was " pretty much together on infertily". The message was one of the way to peace is to focus not on what we don't have but to be present and start living for the moment and savoring our current blessings" This really was like God was shouting at me " Helllo Karen wake up " In our busy lives it does not take much to get all wrapped up in what we don't have . This song really makes you stop and be grateful for the NOW and to savor your blessings and don't take them for granted ! I hope this song brightens someone's day as it has mine and dedicate it especially to anyone who has been touched by infertiliy in their family.
Love and Blessings
Thanks Heahter for sharing this piece on facebook this morning. I was totally blown away by this song. It actually rocked me to my core. What an ispirational message. All we have is NOW. The lyrics and melody are haunting. Wonderful message for those going through any difficult time in their life. I espcecially think it is fitting for anyone going through inferiltiy . Now, that we have moved on to adoption there still is some fear and doubt and worries about our future choices. Both inferitliy and adoption one an get so focused on the " what if''s " and hoping for something to happen in the future. This song this morning really reminded me of what helped me to move on and get " out" of my struggle with infertiliy.
During Lent 2008 I was sitting throught the church Mission and at the time I thought I was " pretty much together on infertily". The message was one of the way to peace is to focus not on what we don't have but to be present and start living for the moment and savoring our current blessings" This really was like God was shouting at me " Helllo Karen wake up " In our busy lives it does not take much to get all wrapped up in what we don't have . This song really makes you stop and be grateful for the NOW and to savor your blessings and don't take them for granted ! I hope this song brightens someone's day as it has mine and dedicate it especially to anyone who has been touched by infertiliy in their family.
Love and Blessings
Friday, July 24, 2009
New Family Pictures

I arrived home to find our new family pictures have arrived. So beautiful I cried. I wanted to have a family photo of Blaise , Piper and I before we adopted. Not that I think we will not take pictures of Piper once we have kids I just wanted a profesional picture to capture our family. I also wanted a professional headhot picture of Piper. He is only 61/2 but I am well aware of how quickly situtions can change for dogs and you never know. We had pictures taken at Rainbow Haven Beach in Cow Bay. It was a gorgeous May evening and the sun was perfect. Sabrina Thurlow was the photogragher. She did an amazing job of capturing Pipers personality and spirit. She wanted to keep him " dry "for as long as she could but once he saw the ocean he was off. She was impressed how handsome he was even wet. It was tricky to get him to settle down and pose but with the ocean for stress relief it was perfect. We ordered one family picture, one headshot of Piper and a collage of pictures. My little walls are going to be filled ! Will have to get a bigger house to put the "new"family pictures once kiddies come along.
Here is the link to Sabrina's website.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Adoptive Mothers Letter
I came across this letter on one of my daily searches on adoption information. I love poems and stories. This letter really touched my heart and of course brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful description of the somewhat unique emotional, and pychological skills required to parent adoptive children. I know it will be a challenge to incorporate the birth family and birth relationships into our family. The situation will tell the tale and we will relay on our faith as to the right way to do this when the time comes. I have come across some beautiflul stories of how apdoptive families have celebrated and recognized birth families. I will talk about these in another blog. I don't know who wrote this letter but I am grateful for finding it.
Adoptive Mothers
Being an adoptiove mother is not for every woman. She must possess not only the natural mother instrinct but an understanding and appreciation of the situation that brought a child into her amrs making her a mother. The adoptive family comes to be by choices made, choices made by the first parents and by the adoptive parents. The bond the adoptive mother has with her child grows over time, just like the child grew within his first mother's womb.
Day by day, touch by touch, with each tear, kiss and memory made they become a family. Adoptive mothers have that special knack to let love grow.
Adoptive mothers know that they are a mender of wounds, not just of the physical skinned knees with a band-aid and a kiss, but of the heart as well. They give love, acceptance, and permission to ask and talk to their child about the day they were born and of their first family.
Adoptive motehrs are embracers, not only of the child with many hugs and kisses, but of the child's heritage and history. They embrace the facts of their child's past with strength for themselves and their child. They are not only memory makers planning family vacations, activities and birthday parties, but are also memory keepers.
They are a tier of shoelaces and hearts. They weave lives together into a tapestry of a new family, with many different brightly colored threards showcasing their individualities and family orgins. Together they create one unit attached to each other.
Adoptive mothers are experts at finding lost objects, but understand and validate the profound deep loss left by adoption. They allow the tears to fall and grief to be felt, allowing the mounrning of the family that is no longer there. They are secure in knowing that they are not a replacement, but a finisher of a race for someone who, for whatever reason, could not run any longer.
This role is not for the weak spirit, or the easily wounded. Loving a child not born to her but calling him her own, as this is what she does, it is her calling....She is a MOTHER.
Adoptive Mothers
Being an adoptiove mother is not for every woman. She must possess not only the natural mother instrinct but an understanding and appreciation of the situation that brought a child into her amrs making her a mother. The adoptive family comes to be by choices made, choices made by the first parents and by the adoptive parents. The bond the adoptive mother has with her child grows over time, just like the child grew within his first mother's womb.
Day by day, touch by touch, with each tear, kiss and memory made they become a family. Adoptive mothers have that special knack to let love grow.
Adoptive mothers know that they are a mender of wounds, not just of the physical skinned knees with a band-aid and a kiss, but of the heart as well. They give love, acceptance, and permission to ask and talk to their child about the day they were born and of their first family.
Adoptive motehrs are embracers, not only of the child with many hugs and kisses, but of the child's heritage and history. They embrace the facts of their child's past with strength for themselves and their child. They are not only memory makers planning family vacations, activities and birthday parties, but are also memory keepers.
They are a tier of shoelaces and hearts. They weave lives together into a tapestry of a new family, with many different brightly colored threards showcasing their individualities and family orgins. Together they create one unit attached to each other.
Adoptive mothers are experts at finding lost objects, but understand and validate the profound deep loss left by adoption. They allow the tears to fall and grief to be felt, allowing the mounrning of the family that is no longer there. They are secure in knowing that they are not a replacement, but a finisher of a race for someone who, for whatever reason, could not run any longer.
This role is not for the weak spirit, or the easily wounded. Loving a child not born to her but calling him her own, as this is what she does, it is her calling....She is a MOTHER.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Adoption Agency Bankruptcy
Adoption agency's bankruptcy devastates families - The Globe and Mail
This story hits very close to home and my heart. It is so unfair and unjust that this situation was allowed to happen. As a couple going through adopotion in NS I can not imagine how devastating this news would be to a waiting family. Every one who contemplates and discerns adoption as their way to build their family has already most likely already been through the pain and heartbreak of inferitily or miscarragies. What about these waiting children? Of course there will be lots of talk in the media about this and the ethics of international adoption . To me it all comes down to basic human needs to love, nurture and provide a home for children who need parents guide them on the journey of life, no matter what country or background they come from.
I don't know anyone personally affected but have been following some blogs of folks going through the journey of international adoption. I somehow feel a connection to families that have the courage to write about their situation and share their story with others. My prayers are with all of the couples that are affected by this situation . My hope is that they can find some peace in this situation .
This story hits very close to home and my heart. It is so unfair and unjust that this situation was allowed to happen. As a couple going through adopotion in NS I can not imagine how devastating this news would be to a waiting family. Every one who contemplates and discerns adoption as their way to build their family has already most likely already been through the pain and heartbreak of inferitily or miscarragies. What about these waiting children? Of course there will be lots of talk in the media about this and the ethics of international adoption . To me it all comes down to basic human needs to love, nurture and provide a home for children who need parents guide them on the journey of life, no matter what country or background they come from.
I don't know anyone personally affected but have been following some blogs of folks going through the journey of international adoption. I somehow feel a connection to families that have the courage to write about their situation and share their story with others. My prayers are with all of the couples that are affected by this situation . My hope is that they can find some peace in this situation .
Monday, July 13, 2009
Paper Work Mix up
OK I guess I have to learn to be more assertive. We have been waiting for a call from Community Services to arrange for our homestudy. Well today I did get a call but our file is missing some forms, our crimial records check of all things. That was the first thing we both did and the Commuity Policing office was to forward it directly to Community Services. ! Oh my nerves. Oh well no biggy we will get it done AGAIN !
I knew it would take a while for our file to get looked at and now not have to WAIT more because of a missing form. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. One day at a time , one day at a time.
I knew it would take a while for our file to get looked at and now not have to WAIT more because of a missing form. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. One day at a time , one day at a time.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Summer in Halifax ( Finally )
I am glad to report that I am back to me ! I went back to work last Monday and it was a good week. I am still tired at the end of the day and very much miss my afternoon naps. This weekend we finally had some sun . There is nothing better than summer in Halifax. The city was hoping yesterday. The Paul McCartney concert on the hill, Jazz Fest, Dragon Boat festival. I did not have tickets for the concert but went down to walk around the perimeter. It was a nice night and there was thousands of people just out and on the perimeter. The gates from most vanatage spots you could see the large screen. Heather and Cathy and I found a good spot and stayed for the rest of the concert. It was so neat to be there and the energy from the crowd was amazing. Heather and I were in the right place at the right time and were very close to the motorcade and bus that Paul was on leaving the concert site. He was waving to the crowds it was such a surprise. Not bad for not paying for a ticket I say.
Next weekend is the Tall Ships Festival. I when they are in town. Walking along the Halifax waterfront at night with outdoor beer gargens, people, the ships all lit up. The best ! Hopefuly the the weather cooperates.
Blaise and I are enjoying our summer and staying close to home. No more big trips for the Curry's for awhile. Hoping to get to PEI for a weekend camping and of course Cape Breton but nothing much planned. That will keep use busy as we wait and enjoy our summer.
Happy Summer
Next weekend is the Tall Ships Festival. I when they are in town. Walking along the Halifax waterfront at night with outdoor beer gargens, people, the ships all lit up. The best ! Hopefuly the the weather cooperates.
Blaise and I are enjoying our summer and staying close to home. No more big trips for the Curry's for awhile. Hoping to get to PEI for a weekend camping and of course Cape Breton but nothing much planned. That will keep use busy as we wait and enjoy our summer.
Happy Summer
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
OK I am home in Halifax after a great week home with the folks. I am so lucky my folks are willing to help out any of us kids. I am doing much better recuperating but still tired and very slow moving. I just came home from my first trip around the block with Piper. OK my 89 yr old Nanny walks faster but Piper was very patient but bored. Now I am pooped !
Today I realized now that my surgery is over and I am on the mend I can now concentrate on the next steps of preparation for adoption. HMM not quite sure what that is as we are still waiting for a Social Worker to contact us to do the homestudy. It has been 3 months since we completed the course and had all our paperwork in. So here we are waiting. From reading other blogs and forums on adoption I know this is all part of the deal of adoption. Waiting and Waiting and more waiting. I am not really anxious yet but it is hard to prepare and get going when nothing is happening. I am reading books on adoption and parenting but still feel like it is kind of a dream right now. On the other had I say a little prayer ever now and then for our " kiddies' that may already be in the world waiting for us to be mommy and daddy. So there you have it I guess we are all just waiting. OK God I am ready so give me a sign of what is to come. For now I will enjoy our summer ( if we ever get some sun) and look forward to some camping trips with friends.
Today I realized now that my surgery is over and I am on the mend I can now concentrate on the next steps of preparation for adoption. HMM not quite sure what that is as we are still waiting for a Social Worker to contact us to do the homestudy. It has been 3 months since we completed the course and had all our paperwork in. So here we are waiting. From reading other blogs and forums on adoption I know this is all part of the deal of adoption. Waiting and Waiting and more waiting. I am not really anxious yet but it is hard to prepare and get going when nothing is happening. I am reading books on adoption and parenting but still feel like it is kind of a dream right now. On the other had I say a little prayer ever now and then for our " kiddies' that may already be in the world waiting for us to be mommy and daddy. So there you have it I guess we are all just waiting. OK God I am ready so give me a sign of what is to come. For now I will enjoy our summer ( if we ever get some sun) and look forward to some camping trips with friends.
Monday, June 15, 2009
No Place Like Home
Well I am home in Glace Bay being waited on my Mom and Dad. Day 4 post op, ovary and cyst removal laproscopically. I am doing OK but very slow moving and very very tired. Something about coming home to the parents house that makes me always feel like a 13 yr old kid. Mom and Dad came to Halifax for a few days and then packed me in the car with pillows for the 5 hr trip to Cape Breton. Blaise is busy this week so it is great that I can go home with the folks. Last night we had a family supper at Nina's which was great but I was very tired. The trek to move and change position is at the moment very challenging. So I spend the day propped up in one place or another. How pitiful! I am trying to to focus on the " instant menopause" as of yet. So far so good ,I mean I suppose I thought I would have all the of symptoms at once ! I did chat with my Naturpath and going to be trying the natural way with dealing with any symptoms I may have. I think it is only fair that since my body did not quite work out the how to make a baby that I should have an easy go at menopause. LOL Oh well I will wait at see.
Right now focusing on healing and relaxing and getting lots of rest. Blaise and Piperdog are fending for themselves while I am being pampered by the folks in Glace Bay. Off to curl up with mom and watch " Judging Amy " or another lifetime rerun.
Right now focusing on healing and relaxing and getting lots of rest. Blaise and Piperdog are fending for themselves while I am being pampered by the folks in Glace Bay. Off to curl up with mom and watch " Judging Amy " or another lifetime rerun.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nova Scotia Girl

Last evening Heather and Cathy and I headed to the Valley for a memorial service for Tanya's father in law. It was a very quick decision but of course we wanted to go and support Tanya and Chris. The drive down was so lovely. Everything is green , flowers blooming and sun shining on the Bay of Fundy at low tide. Absolutely breathtaking. With a memorial service on my mind it was interesting to reflect on how much we take for granted in our lives. The beauty that is so close to us in Nova Scotia is so amazing . I think memorial services forces us to take a step back and take a breath and be thankful for the gifts in our life.
Today I headed to Antigonish for the day ( the opposite direction from Kentville) and again the lush green and variety was wonderful view. Two weeks ago Blaise and I were vacationing in California Palm Desert,and LA. I am greatful that we took advantage of the opportunity to explore this part of the world but it was not as great a shiny as I had imagined. This time of year very hot and dry. Brown and more shades of brown and only greenery was not natural . The desert and Joshua Tree park was so neat to see but the snakes and dust not my favorite. I kept saying I can't wait to see green again. So my drives the last 2 days really reinforced that I am an East Coast girl and love the green, ocean and even the rain !
In one week I will be preparing for surgery. I am having my one remaining ovary removed. I am OK with this as I have come to terms with the end of my fertiliy and have moved on. However I am not crazy about hitting menopause automatically. Oh well one day at a time and I am sure I will be fine. I keep telling Blaise to enjoy pre menopause me as I may turn into a crazy person!
Change is in the air and I just have to roll with it.
Today I headed to Antigonish for the day ( the opposite direction from Kentville) and again the lush green and variety was wonderful view. Two weeks ago Blaise and I were vacationing in California Palm Desert,and LA. I am greatful that we took advantage of the opportunity to explore this part of the world but it was not as great a shiny as I had imagined. This time of year very hot and dry. Brown and more shades of brown and only greenery was not natural . The desert and Joshua Tree park was so neat to see but the snakes and dust not my favorite. I kept saying I can't wait to see green again. So my drives the last 2 days really reinforced that I am an East Coast girl and love the green, ocean and even the rain !
In one week I will be preparing for surgery. I am having my one remaining ovary removed. I am OK with this as I have come to terms with the end of my fertiliy and have moved on. However I am not crazy about hitting menopause automatically. Oh well one day at a time and I am sure I will be fine. I keep telling Blaise to enjoy pre menopause me as I may turn into a crazy person!
Change is in the air and I just have to roll with it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Newborns Conversation with God
I recieved this email the mothers day weekend. This was the first mother's day in a while that I was not feeling sad. Focusing on the future and the possibilites instead of focusing on what is not to be is so much easier on my heart. It kind of reminds me of an episode of " Touched by an Angel " . Yes I do admit to watching this show. It was about a family with money going through fertility treatments to no avail and they decided to adopt a baby from China. The young new angel Valerie Berinelli was assigned to the orhpange in China. I remember being so touched by the scene with all the babies in the cribs each with an "angel " watching over them. The new angel was confused to her role. The other angels informed her " There is a plan for every child and family that is meant to be. Sometimes it just takes the human parents hearts time until they are moved to follow the journey to the child of their hearts. Each child is assigned an angel to watch over them until they are united with the parents picked by God for them" Now I know why this scene has stayed with me !
A Newborn's Conversation With God
A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.' 'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.''Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.''But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.
( Anonymous)
A Newborn's Conversation With God
A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.' 'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.''Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.''But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.
( Anonymous)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Anntie once again
Tuesday April 21 my sister Valerie had a healthy baby girl, Anna Mae Pilling . I am so thrilled for Valerie and Jody and their family. Anna is welcomed by Miss Isabelle ( 6) Lachlan(3) and Rory (2). Isabelle is very happy that mommy can make girls ! I truly believe every child is a miracle and very special. Anna is already muched loved by a large exteded family that has yet to even meet her. I hear she may even look like Valerie. Valerie is such an inspiration to me as a mother. She was born to be a mother , I remember when Andy and Steve were babies Valerie at 61/2 was much more a little mother than I was at 9. I very muched liked being the oldest and the " boss"of my other siblings. I am so proud of my baby sister.
I am so glad that I am in a place that I can truly share in the excitement of new babies. Now that we have moved on to adoption it does make me look forward to sharing our news with family when we are going forward with a match for us. I look forward to our potential children having fun with their cousins.
I am so glad that I am in a place that I can truly share in the excitement of new babies. Now that we have moved on to adoption it does make me look forward to sharing our news with family when we are going forward with a match for us. I look forward to our potential children having fun with their cousins.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Today I spent the afternoon cleaning up the back yard. It was a sunny almost warm day and spring was in the air. The tulips and and the leaves are just starting to bud. I am waiting for news of Valeries new baby and Christine and Troy have welcomed Charlotte to their family. Last week I spent time with the Pilling kiddies and it was certainly intersting. Boy oh boy are Blaise and I in for a shock. The kids are great and full of energy. I love watching them play so joyful and carefree. Rory at 2 is very expressive and his vocabualry is huge. I asked 3 year old Lachlan what do Blaise and I need to know to be good parents. Hmm well " You just have to play with them " Then I asked so what should parents do when children don't behave like parents would like. " Well , don't yell at them just talk to them " From the mouth of babes. This made me cry it was so simple to a 3 year old us adults make things soo complicated. I have a stack of books on adoption and parenting by my bed! LOL
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Blaise and I want to share our journey to build our family. I am new to blogging but thought it would be a good way to share information of our adoption journey with friends and family. Some of you are aware that we have been dealing with infertily for the past few years. It was a difficulty journey but we recieved many blessings and strenghend our marriage. Things happen for a reason and we came to realize that God was leading us towards adoption. In October I contacted Community Services to start the process. We attended an information sesssion in January and started our PRIDE classes Jan. 20. 2009. These classes are 9 weeks and they cover an overview of topics on adoption and parenting. We completed the classes March 24 and are waiting for the next step of the homestudy. We are looking forward to the next steps of this journey.
We choose Community Service route for adoption as we learned there were children in NS that are waiting in the foster care system for families. We are open to 0 - 5yr and sibling group of 2. Often siblings are separated and coming from big families if we can keep siblings together we will. So we ask you to keep us in your prayers as we wait for the next steps and for our future family members.
Karen and Blaise
We choose Community Service route for adoption as we learned there were children in NS that are waiting in the foster care system for families. We are open to 0 - 5yr and sibling group of 2. Often siblings are separated and coming from big families if we can keep siblings together we will. So we ask you to keep us in your prayers as we wait for the next steps and for our future family members.
Karen and Blaise
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