Last evening Heather and Cathy and I headed to the Valley for a memorial service for Tanya's father in law. It was a very quick decision but of course we wanted to go and support Tanya and Chris. The drive down was so lovely. Everything is green , flowers blooming and sun shining on the Bay of Fundy at low tide. Absolutely breathtaking. With a memorial service on my mind it was interesting to reflect on how much we take for granted in our lives. The beauty that is so close to us in Nova Scotia is so amazing . I think memorial services forces us to take a step back and take a breath and be thankful for the gifts in our life.
Today I headed to Antigonish for the day ( the opposite direction from Kentville) and again the lush green and variety was wonderful view. Two weeks ago Blaise and I were vacationing in California Palm Desert,and LA. I am greatful that we took advantage of the opportunity to explore this part of the world but it was not as great a shiny as I had imagined. This time of year very hot and dry. Brown and more shades of brown and only greenery was not natural . The desert and Joshua Tree park was so neat to see but the snakes and dust not my favorite. I kept saying I can't wait to see green again. So my drives the last 2 days really reinforced that I am an East Coast girl and love the green, ocean and even the rain !
In one week I will be preparing for surgery. I am having my one remaining ovary removed. I am OK with this as I have come to terms with the end of my fertiliy and have moved on. However I am not crazy about hitting menopause automatically. Oh well one day at a time and I am sure I will be fine. I keep telling Blaise to enjoy pre menopause me as I may turn into a crazy person!
Change is in the air and I just have to roll with it.
Today I headed to Antigonish for the day ( the opposite direction from Kentville) and again the lush green and variety was wonderful view. Two weeks ago Blaise and I were vacationing in California Palm Desert,and LA. I am greatful that we took advantage of the opportunity to explore this part of the world but it was not as great a shiny as I had imagined. This time of year very hot and dry. Brown and more shades of brown and only greenery was not natural . The desert and Joshua Tree park was so neat to see but the snakes and dust not my favorite. I kept saying I can't wait to see green again. So my drives the last 2 days really reinforced that I am an East Coast girl and love the green, ocean and even the rain !
In one week I will be preparing for surgery. I am having my one remaining ovary removed. I am OK with this as I have come to terms with the end of my fertiliy and have moved on. However I am not crazy about hitting menopause automatically. Oh well one day at a time and I am sure I will be fine. I keep telling Blaise to enjoy pre menopause me as I may turn into a crazy person!
Change is in the air and I just have to roll with it.
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