Wednesday, June 24, 2009


OK I am home in Halifax after a great week home with the folks. I am so lucky my folks are willing to help out any of us kids. I am doing much better recuperating but still tired and very slow moving. I just came home from my first trip around the block with Piper. OK my 89 yr old Nanny walks faster but Piper was very patient but bored. Now I am pooped !

Today I realized now that my surgery is over and I am on the mend I can now concentrate on the next steps of preparation for adoption. HMM not quite sure what that is as we are still waiting for a Social Worker to contact us to do the homestudy. It has been 3 months since we completed the course and had all our paperwork in. So here we are waiting. From reading other blogs and forums on adoption I know this is all part of the deal of adoption. Waiting and Waiting and more waiting. I am not really anxious yet but it is hard to prepare and get going when nothing is happening. I am reading books on adoption and parenting but still feel like it is kind of a dream right now. On the other had I say a little prayer ever now and then for our " kiddies' that may already be in the world waiting for us to be mommy and daddy. So there you have it I guess we are all just waiting. OK God I am ready so give me a sign of what is to come. For now I will enjoy our summer ( if we ever get some sun) and look forward to some camping trips with friends.

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