Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas and Waiting

Christmas and Advent are really seasons on waiting. I have had a few very special blessings during Advent. It has been such a busy fall and things seem to be moving so fast and easy to get caught up in work, studies and neglect what is important. Blaise and I do enjoy going to Sunday Mass but sometimes we miss a few weeks. I really wanted to get back to church during Advent. Last week I again realized that Advent is about waiting and preparing our hearts for God's gifts. The sweet little priest did a wonderful homily and talked about waiting and how God wants us to come to him an trust in his promises. HMM OK God you are shouting at me again! I was moved to joyful tears as I realized I have no control in this adoption process and that if I prepare and wait patiently God will unfold his plan for our family.It was such a weight off my shoulders. After the homestudy was completed I was glad to have this part of the process completed but a little anxious about the next steps and wondering " how will we be able to know from a file if this is the child for us ". I realized that we have to have faith and let God work in our lives. So waiting and preparing for Christmas this year is extra special as I compare it to waiting and preparing our hearts to be parents.

Blessings of the Season

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog! I wanted to pop over and say hello. I feel very touched reading of your journey... I will be holding you in my heart.

    Many blessings,
