OK I am so unfocused . I just wrote a blog on the "O'donnel family blog" So my family will know how crazy I am. LOL The Hot weather is wonderful such a treat. However this has coincided with my hormones going all wacky. I really truly thought that I would be OK and not have any of the menopause symptoms. ( surgically induced)
I am working with my Naturpath to balance me and waiting for saliva test to give hormone levels. I don't like not feeling like myself and being so irritable and not able to sleep. It is like puberty but so much more intense. I also am feeling a bit cheated and realize I almost have to go through grief process. Geez I just finished that with Infertiliy. I have read that women who go through infertiliy often are reminded of the stuggle and losses of infertility when going through memopause. So I find myself reminded again thinking again how unfair that my biology has let me down and I have no control what so ever.
It sucks quite frankly and I am mad ! I guess I have to go throught the stages of grief all over again. I mean not like everyday I am thinking about it but in my experience trying to push ugly feelings down only makes them crop up at weird times.
So I am going to do all I can to be balanced and enjoy life and deal with all these intense emotions and feelings. OH me nerves bye ! I still believe things happen for a reason so I am not suprised that we have not moved forward in adoption as I have to work through this crazy period of my life first. On the other hand I just want to hurry up and be a Mom.
Que sera sera !
Menopausal Momma
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