To be honest I was very overwhelmed by my emotions last week that it has taken some time to reflect.
Our weekend overall was very positive and the little guy was very charming and tried very hard to be " good ". He was very active but also very focused on the Wii game and playing Pokeman games on the laptop. So basically hubby and I were very cool as we had a Wii with games he has not played( SuperMario soccer ?? ).
It was challenging emotionally for me because he was so craving affection and attention. For instance when getting ready for bed the first night he " thank me for opening our home to him as he can be pretty tricky " and he always wanted to hug and wanted to snuggle which really took me by surprise and I tried to redirect and let him know I was not comfortable with that right now. He also said " I never know if I am going to like respite people or if they are going to like me but I love you guys and your dog Piper is awsome ". Oh my poor little heart was breaking for him.
So it was the little things as well as his knowledge of the system and learned helplessness that I found challenging emotionally for me. He was 9 and he was used to having things done for him and I realize it may be easier for the fostermom just to do but he did not want to mix or cut up his own food " no I always make a mess and can't do it you need to do it " , tying sneakers was another area " I can't tie my shoes I fail at everthing and can't remember how ".
Of course this may be part of his learning disablities or he may have been testing me to see what I would do.
All in all now that I have had time to reflect I realize " it is not about me ", however I need to analyze me emotions and be aware of any triggers for me so I can be prepared for other respites.
Our SW asked if we would be interested in doing regular respite for this little boy so we are going to consider this option.
I definitely have an new found respect for the wonderful work that foster parents do everyday to suppport children in care.
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