Monday, March 14, 2011

Heading West

Well I thought my year of travel was complete. However a few weeks ago I received the OK to accept a request for a return visit to one of the First Nation communities that participated in the VON Aboriginal Health Initiative. So Blaise and I are heading to Calgary on Wednesday and staying until Monday. Really looking forward to spending time with Andy and Amanda and seeing their new house and seeing Rodney and Lanette and skiing at Kicking Horse again this year.
It is kind of a 40th birthday cerebration for Rodney and Blaise as they celebrate a day apart March 28 and March 29. Looking forward to a great weekend.

We had a meeting with Home of the Guardian angel social worker this week to review our file and our letter to birthmom. We decided to have our names on this route as well even though it takes very long with very little placements. Seven placements in the last two years. However you never know, why not us ! I am just putting that intention out there and open to whatever route our children come into our lives.

We have also decided to do respite care for foster families and will be meeting with another social worker at the end of the month. We feel like we have to do something proactive while we wait.

Another Special Needs Adoption Day is April 2. I have mixed feelings about this as they are so heartbreaking and you have to be so honest with yourself in the type of care you are willing to take on. You leave those days mind, body and spiritually drained. However I feel it is all part of what we must do. Waiting certainly challenges your resolve to if you really want to adopt! Crazy I know. The other morning as I was doing a meditation of releasing fear, I realized that my greatest fear is that I will be " paralyzed by fear when we finally adopt " I mean how do I know that I am going to be a good parent, that I will have all the skills to nurture and guide a child on there journey. I am told by friends that they had similar feelings when they were pregnant and that a " healthy" dose of fear is normal.

I have been reading a very courageous blog about a new adoptive mom who waited for so long for her wee on from Ethiopia and is journeying through Post Adoption Depression. Wow, very brave to share her story and it is making me more aware that this can happen. So I guess I am preparing my " nest " and getting ready for whatever comes our way whenever it comes our way.

Now of to dream of skiing in powder !


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